Sunday, November 23, 2008

8 things why you should NOT ask 'When are you gonna have another baby?'

  1. It's really not of anyone's business!
  2. OK, so it's basa basi, well, but it's BASI! try to be more creative in asking question to other people.
  3. What if the couple you asked were having health problems, that they actually really wanted to have another baby, but they cant?? what do you think the question gonna make them feel??
  4. What if the couple you asked were  having domestic problem, like one of them was abusive and the other was struggling how to take care her/himself and the kid?? what do you think the question gonna make them feel?
  5. What if the couple you asked were having financial problem, that for everyday life they almost couldnt afford anything? that they might even have to get their kid being adopted? are you going to donate some money to them??
  6. What if the current child the couple had was having challenge, that they had to concentrate in raising him/her?
  7. Would you feel better if every couple you ask to have another baby, follow your 'advice' and DO have another kids but all the kids were abandoned? not being taking care of because the parents simple couldnt handle more than 1 kid?
  8. What if the couple you asked were not good parents, that their only kid was never in a good care. Does having another kid will make them better parents???

Ask those questions to yourself before you ask other person the 'Q'


  1. aku jg srg kok mbak ditanyain macem2 sm org lain, pdhl anakku udah 2...dan kyk gini kan prinsipal dan privasi bgt ya mbak. Ya pokoknya jgn didengerin kalo org nanya2 gitu mbak...blg aja urus keluarga loe sndiri deh...hahaha TFS

  2. Yg nanya n buat kamu jadi berang ada di MP ga Day...smg beliau nya baca yaa....gimana membuat orang jadi keberatan dan itu bukan privasi dia gt... :-)

  3. humm... apalgi kalu y ditanya bukan ttg nambah anak... tapi punya anak... rasanya sakitttt! been there... jd mmg such Q, bukan u basa-basi...

  4. bu.. aduh sensi banget sih?? day.. been there before kok...3 years no baby.. hurts!but gw yakin kok mostly semua yg nanya cuman basa basi yg eventually already basi't worry be happy..okeh??peace!
