Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Seri 'Hidup di Amrik' #53 : about marriage and babies...

There 2 things that REALLY REALLY suprised me about American, even until now.
For some reasons, in my mind I have always thought that American in general will get marry later and have less babies (than Indonesian for instance)
Maybe because the images of US that I am familiar of are big cities, career-oriented people, expensive living cost etc etc.
So, when I learnt that a lot of American actually got married when they are 23, I was 'shocked'
And my reaction is always .......puzzled...????
Most of the time I cant help myself looking at the person (especially if I know them) and wondering to myself...'R U sure? You're still young!! Get career! Have fun!'re brave!' etc etc etc..
Every single time, I heard someone is getting married in such young age, I am still 'astound' even until now...
That's my 1st astonishment...
The 2nd is about # of children in the family.
Again, my images about American is always 'modern family, 2 children, both working parents' (why? dont know!)
This perspective is even 'stronger', especially after living here, I learnt how tough it is where you have to take care everything yourself, unlike in Indonesia-where a family can afford to have 1 or more baby sitters and maids.
I feel I really cant have more than 1 child if I have to do everything very likely other women would feel the same way...
But I was wrong!
I've seen a lot of women with an 'army' (more than 2 kids!) doing groceries store without any man around! And it's not just one time! A lot of time! Not just that, these women also able to take all the kids to different kind of activities here and there...
Wuiiihhh!! 2 thumbs up for those women!
And these women are BULE!!!!



  1. nambah dong day, pasti lo bisa handle kok..
    dicoba dulu, kalo lu gak bisa handle masa sih mo dimasukin ke perut lagi? hehehehe..

  2. iyah qw juga berpikiran yang sama ..punya anak satu ajah dah gempor gimanah ibu2 yang lain yaaahhhhh punya anak 2, 3 atau lebih ...??????? anyway SALUT degh buat ibu2....

  3. hihihihihi...dari kecil sih day dah diajarin begituuuuu..... ;-)

  4. gimana yg spt " the duggar family" ya.....yg punya anak ampe 17 ya....kalo gw liat acaranya ampe terpusing2 mikir gimana ngurus anaknya ya...???? tapi smua anak2nya turn good kayaknya.....

  5. setuju tu Day sama jeng Ima dari Solo, eh ngomong2 sejak kapan Im pindah sana? Iya, nambah lagi dong Day, biar Ab ada temen main...;p

  6. iya tuh setuju kt mb Dini gimana kalo kayak " the duggar family" secara aku juga dibikin takjub ama mereka especially ketika si Ibu berhasil mendisiplinkan hampir ke 17 anaknya termasuk yg masih Baby sekali dgn segenap cinta dan kasih sayang dan tanpa paksaan..ayo mba Dayang nambah dong..aku aja udah punya tiga krucil lho..tapi masih sempet koq ngeMP..he..he..

  7. Mbak Day ga usah heran. orang bule kan dari kecil udah diajarin untuk organize apa-apa ndiri, sehingga kerjaan rumah harian udah sejak kecil mereka handle. Struktur tulangnya juga laen ma kita. Mereka jelas lebih sturdy and strong. Hal-hal yang buat kita 'megel-megelin' buat mereka easy. Ibu mertuaku aja udah 80-an masih gemar naik kuda dan hidup mandiri, beda banget dengan rata-rata wanita Asia yang jangankan umur 80, bandingin ma yang umur 60 aja. Kalo aku sih satu anak aja udah capek jadi ga rencana nambah. Gimana dengan Mbak Day..?
