Sunday, November 16, 2008

Days @ Work : when you do things wholeheartedly...good things will come to you..

Today I worked full shift and it was crazy! Customers over customers and there were only 2 of us in the department.
Then when the store almost close, I was just about to ring customer, my Co, called me 'Suri, come here'
I turned to her puzzled, wondering why she needed me, cause I didnt think I helped the customer ( I didnt see the customer, I just assumed he was gonna buy something).
'What's up?' I asked.
'Here. He wanted you to have this." she answered and pointed on something.
'Want me what??' I replied more puzzled. I looked where she pointed and there it was, a box of chocolate, still confused...I obliviously said 'No, it's not mine...
'No, no' said my Co, 'This is for you, from him!'
Then I looked up to see who the customer was, I did recognized him, he was the son of the customer I helped yesterday with suit..
Turned out that they left the cellphone at the store yesterday while shopping and now the Son came to pick up the cellphone and at the same time brought this box of chocolate for me!
I was speechless, all I could say was 'Hi. How r u?This is for me???'
He answered 'Yes, that's from My Dad, he thought you shoud have it cause you were so nice and really helpful yesterday.'
I felt my jaw was really sweet of them to think about me and decided to give me a box of chocolate!
I was so happy and thank the Son (& The Dad) for the suprised lil gift!
So..that day, eventhough I felt my feet were gonna fell out of me cause I've been continously running here and there helping customer, having the box of chocolate in my handbag reminded me that some customers came home and felt really happy for my assistance!!
( Dear Mr. Wayne somewhere in Bozeman, thank you for the chocolate, you made my day wonderful!!)


  1. wah,, elo kerja gk boleh pake sepatu sport yah? atau elo beli aja sepatu sport warna hitam semua, biar kakimu itu gk cepet capek dan selalu lincah juga....cari yg sol nya tebal day, kalo bisa itemnya bagus ( mengkilat atau apa ) ...ini tips gue sih.. ;-)

  2. ini juga udah pake sepatu 'functional' koq bukan sepatu cute...
    tapi tetep aje...abis 6 jam mondar mandir capek jugaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
