Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Gerber's Story

Sometime in 2006, after July, before October, I enrolled Abraham in Gerber Organic Contest online. The picture I chose was when he was about 6 months old. He was just crawling then.

Just before I left Indonesia, I received a notice stating that Abraham has won the contest, and that I should wait for further notice. When I was in Indonesia, I had my Hub to send me the paper works from Gerber to sign and return as part of the procedure before Gerber announced the Winner online.

On December 2006, just couple of weeks after We got back from Indonesia, Gerber's representative and their Photographer came to do photo shooting for Abraham. It was taken place in Holiday Inn Express in town.

In 2007, we finally can see the announcement online about the contest...

Gerber promised his picture would be in Organic Rice Box in Spring 2007. Spring passed, Summer passed, Fall was back, still no product found on the market. My patience evaporated. I tried calling Gerber, but nobody seemed to know what's going on. I even called Gerber's HQ in NY and left about 1000 messages, unanswered....

I was preparing a letter to be mailed to NY Post or any other newspaper about the case, when finally someone from Gerber called!! It was already 2008!

She finally found out the problem, promised us to get things straightened up.

March 2008, Gerber sent us some goodies and the copy of the pictures during the photo shooting...

Gerber said, they would still use Ab's pic and it should be in Gerber's Organic product, and it's expected to be out in the market on Fall 2008.

Then finally, today, November 11 2008, a UPS guy came carrying a huge box in front of our door. And here it is...........


It feels that We couldnt be any happier!!

It is a Gerber Organic Product- 6 pack of baby first food, assorted fruit and vegetables.

















  1. waaahhhhh.......keren day...bintang iklan deh..ibunya gencar bgt deh...sippppp........bisa jadi kebanggaan Ab nih kalo gede nanti..........congratulation!

  2. mksdnya kirim poto buat ikutan kontes gitu deh, dan trs memantaunyaaaaaa...hihihihihihi........abis yg gencar sapa lagi coba? masa suamimu ama Ab seh??....... ;-)

  3. kirim poto mah iseng, masalah memantau benernya enggak juga, cuma krn udah pasti dibilang pemenang, trus tau2 gak ada kabar, ya GONDOK lah G!!

    Laki G benernya gondok juga, cuma dia bukan tipe 'gahar' kayak G... ;)

  4. waaaahhh...............selamet ya Day.........selamet juga buat Ab. hebat hebat. simpen itu dosnya buat kenang2an en buat evidence. hehehehe......... btw, dapet gratis produk buat seumur hidup gak? hihihihihi.........

  5. akhirnya... masuk indo gak produknya day?? cute ab...

  6. Gelok juga Gerber...banyak yg senasib ama Ab ngga kira2 ya...........

  7. slamat...slamat...ya...emang kamu cakep banget sih Ab.....entar aku beli juga deh produknya....(mau gambarnya doang padahal).
