Friday, October 10, 2008

Seri 'Hidup di Amrik' #52 : No wedding ring means kumpul kebo????

The next long discussion (the first long discussion is about my name) I am having here with my bule friends is my wedding ring.

Some people who have seen my Son (& my Hub), the next thing they look at me is my ring finger which is empty! Then they will start to interrogate me :

'Hey, are you married? where's your wedding ring?/ why you dont wear your ring?/you dont have a wed ring?/does your hub wear his wed ring??

They even thought that I was trying to flirt with other men!!

Then I ended up have to explain that I do have a wedding ring, and I used to wear it, but since I moved here , everyday I engange a lot with soap, spices, and other chemical things while doing houseworks, which made my finger irritated and my ring wasnt as shiny as before.

So, I've decided not to wear my wed ring for this practical reason, besides I feel like I dont need a ring just to let people know that I am married.

But I guess my decision isnt the best on American culture...since it is very common for many of Americans to have partner without being married, and the 'ONLY' thing that makes a difference between married one and unmarried one is THE WED RING.

oh well...whatever they can say whatever they like....cause I dont want my finger to get irritated again!




  1. hahahahha, could I guess who did that, Day?

    About last name too, they should read this

  2. Beberapa yg aku kenal, menikah, org bule, nggak pake cincin kamin kok, Day. Aku juga kalau di rumah, cincin kawin aku lepas. Pas pergi aja aku pake, jadi semacam aksesoris buat ke luar rumah. Tapi suamiku nggak pake cincin apapun. Makanya dia lebih sering disangka bujangan, hahaha. Pas temen2nya tahu dia udah punya anak 3 dan gede2, pada nanya apa suamiku kawin pas masih umur 18 than, hahaha.

    Ada yg bilang cincin cuma lambang aja. Yang penting isi hati. Mau pake cincin kawin segede bagong, kalau hati apalagi mata nggak sama pasangan, ya percuma lah.

  3. gee, I can't believe it. Whoever that asked you, must be a busybody person. Normally, nobody ever bothers to ask that kind of personal questions. If I were you just tell them to mind their own businesses

  4. yaolooooooooo.. iseng bener sih itu orang, Day.

  5. gwe pake wedding ring soale keliatan cantik di jari tangan gwe...huhahaha. Bukan mo nunjukin kalo gwe dah Laki gwe gak dipake tuh wedding ring-nya. Gwe yg suruh soale doi sering dicopot2 kalo lagi doing martial arts and sering lupa taro dimana. Bagi kita bedua tu wedding ring gak penting bgt. Biar aja laki gwe keliatan single...pan malah asyik kalo dikagumi para wanita...hehehehe

  6. Hari2 gini...masih ada aja orang model gitu... narrow minded banget deh!

  7. ah gak bener lha yach gak pake cincin kawin berarti unmarried, emang seh rata-2 orang sini kayaknya tuh cincin kawin nempel mulu di jari (termasuk suami gw, rajin bener pakenya kecuali fitness aja) meski mereka ampe kakek-nenek (tetangga gw soale banyakan senior citizen gitu).

    ah gak usah di gubris dah Day, iseng kali tuh orang, gak ada kerjaan jd cari-2 ide buat usilin orang hehehe apalagi daripada tangan iritasi...

  8. jua ga pake cincin..cincinya gw tarooo

  9. wahahahaha...ancur bgt yah ...... ;-)

  10. hehehhe, kalo gw sih kalo dah ngak muat tuh wed ringnya...
