This is our front door. This was the way My Hub looked at it when he came home from work today. Me and Ab were inside the house. Do you see anything wrong on the pic? Perhaps this pic would give you clearer view... Hint : (In the afternoon Me and Ab went out to do groceries shopping and played in the park for abit. Both Me and My Hub carry our own house key and car key.)
Kuncinya sama dompet ketinggalan...masih nyantol di pintu :)
ReplyDeleteHoreee...jawab pertama...dapet hadiah apa nih? :D
itu kebiasaan tea yah mba Day? ;P
ReplyDeletewah, di indo mah dah ludes kali yaaahhh siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhh..parah ya??!!
ReplyDeletemalu2 in yah??
hadiah blowing kiss dari jauh yaaaaaaaaaaa!! ;P
Ati2 loh, Jeng. Kalau kemalingan masih mending drpd dpt tamu tak diundang pas kamu pulang.
ReplyDeletembak! comment. Itu dompet ttp keukeuh ungu ya :)
ReplyDeletekebanyakan bawa belanjaan ya day?mpe lupa masukin dompet. lagian dompet biasanya taruh di tas bukan?
ReplyDeleteitu mah teuteup.... ;)
ReplyDeleteya gitu deh.......
ReplyDeletedompetnya kudu dikeluarin krn kunci G nempel kan... ;)
maksud gw day...emang mesti ya kuncinya nempel ma dompet??
ReplyDeleteceritanya kan biar gak kelupaan..kalo dipisah, ntar lupa dompet inget kunci, lupa kunci inget dompet..
ReplyDeletejadi disatuin biar gak lupa2 gitu...yg ada lupa dua2nya!!